a love exposure


bilateral artist book, acrylic gouache, mix media | 2022

A dissection on paper of a shared gift — love. Designed to be viewed in a loop, bridging between two vague narratives on front and back which both driven by the inexplicable experience when confronting love. One side follows a poem like murmur accompanied by illustrated pages, while the other side is presented with pop-up structures with questions.

Translation of text:
I can’t tell why I can’t retell, like water on the bottom of  the cup, evaporated, gone
dripping, counting with hands interlocked
one, two, three, sugar coated cubes melts, leaving tartness behind
firework reflections, colors fades, all rushes over
want to close my eyes and never leave this day dream
in dreams desire swallows us like a bite of a sandwich
time digest and then washes what’s left on the shore, dragged up
butterfly in the stomach and love
day and night, picking up recollections

© 2024 rita yirui wang. all rights reserved.